Patience and Gratitude : An Abridged Translation of ‘uddat as-sabirin wa dhkhirat ash-shakirin (Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah)


Print : Indian Print
Author : Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Publisher : Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. *Indian Printed
Language : English
Binding : Paperback
SKU: IslamHouse-3321
Categories: Patienc and Gratitude
Pages : 84
Product Dimensions (cm) 14*21
Weight (gm) 150
Format: Black and White  / Good Quality Paper

Description from the publisher:

This book is an abridged translation of ‘Uddat as-Sabirin wa dhakhirat ash-shakirin, a work which is well-known in the Arab world but which has been inaccessible to English-speaking Muslims until now. In this book, the author explains the Islamic concept of sabr (patience, fortitude) and its counterpart, shukr (gratitude), in a practical fashion which shows how these important spiritual values may be incorporated into everyday life. Although written over six centuries ago, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah’s words are still relevant — perhaps more so than ever — today.

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