160 Miracles and Mysteries of The Quran (Dr. Mazhar Kazi)


Print : Original Print
Author : Dr. Mazhar U. Kazi
Publisher : Islamic Book Service
Language : English
Binding : Paperback
SKU: IslamHouse-1848
Categories: Science
Pages : 159
Product Dimensions (cm) 14*20
Weight (gm) : 300
Format: Black and White  / Good Quality Paper

Description from the publisher:

The language, style, beauty and the ideas of the Qur’an are unimitable and miraculous. It contains amazing factors including presence of correct scientific data, accurate predictions about future events, and a great variety of ideas and concepts. It is also a universally recognized historical fact that the unity, integrity, and absolute textual uniformity of the Qur’an has been maintained since its compilation into a single volume and text. There has been always one and the same Qur’anic text in the entire world. This book contains 160 Miracles and mysteries of the Qur’an.

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