Strategies of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Omar Khayyam Sheikh)


Print : Original Print
Author : Omar Khayyam Sheikh
Publisher : Darussalam Saudi Arabia Print
Language : English
Binding : HardCover
SKU: IslamHouse-1750
Categories: Strategies of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Pages : 560
Product Dimensions (cm) 14*21
Weight (gm) 1100
Format: 2 Colors  / Good Quality Paper

Description from the publisher:

Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) life is a rewarding subject for any sophisticated, intelligent and curious mind because of the impact he has had on world history. Not only did he change the world-view of a society, he practically molded a nation out of a disparate group of warring tribes such that today, after 1400 years, more than 1.6 billion Muslims now live all over the world and try to follow in his foot-steps in their daily routines. Many demographers calculate that Islam will become’s the world’s largest religion by 2050. This amazing growth trajectory owes a great deal to the strategies pursued by him.

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