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The Precious Pearls : The Description of the Ten Companions who were Given the Glad Tidings of Paradise
₹650.00 Original price was: ₹650.00.₹585.00Current price is: ₹585.00.
Print : Original Print |
Author : Darussalam Research Section |
Publisher : Darussalam Saudi Arabia Print |
Language : English |
Binding : Hardcover |
SKU: IslamHouse-2093 |
Categories: Biographies and History |
Pages : 247 |
Product Dimensions (cm) 14*21 |
Weight (gm) : 400 |
Format: Black and White / Good Quality Paper |
Description from the publisher:
The Precious Pearls – The Description of the Ten Companions Who were Given the Glad Tidings of Paradise
Strong Muslims are capable of malting a choice of personality to mimic and remain steadfast on it, while the weak and ignorant are prone to get mislead. So, more than ever, it is incumbent upon us to talk to our youth, and even we adults should reflect on the greatness of our great Muslim heroes from our Islamic past, who built the most glorious and powerful civilization of all, who took a crass society of measly people and gave them Islam that dramatically improved their lives.
Darussalam is presenting this book to our youth hoping that they will find in it great examples, persons and models to follow and develop their own personalities accordingly.
Publisher’s Note
All praise belongs to Allah. We praise Him, seek His forgiveness, and seek refuge in Him from evil inclinations and from the evil of bad deeds.
The enemy of Islam is Shaytan. He comes in many disguises, and spares no effort to turn Muslims away from their religion and its sublime principles and teachings. Disbeliever people are threatened by the Muslim’s superior lifestyle that is spotless and beyond reproach. They are well aware that as long as Muslims adhere to their religion, all attempts to corrupt them will be futile, because Islam is the source of their power. Islam is that which raises a mere individual into something higher and more dignified. And, for this reason, Islam is severely attacked through all forms of non-Muslim media. It is a cheap attempt to corrupt young minds away from something great to something pitiful: the life outside of Islam. Through following Islamic guidance, we glorify our Creator, Allah, and we become the best example of human beings.
The enemy (Shaytan) tries to convince us that the material world is the way to all success and power. This attack tries to convince Muslims that their weakness stems from their adherence to their religion, its creeds and principles. The media, or so called entertainment, is the vehicle which smears all young minds, so Muslim families should be especially careful of what this entertainment has the proven power to do: corrupt our youth’s pristine values, slowly, without notice. Instead of taking on the Prophet Muhammad’s personality that is without any blemish, unknowing youth sadly mimic fictitious personalities in the movies or on the television, and this is how Shaytan wins. Strong Muslims are capable of making a choice of personality to mimic and remain steadfast on it, while the weak and ignorant are prone to get mislead. So, more than ever, it is incumbent upon us to talk to our youth, and even we adults should reflect on the greatness of our great Muslim heroes from our Islamic past, who built the most glorious and powerful civilization of all. Who took a crass society of measly people and gave them Islam that dramatically improved their lives. These were civilizations that encompassed both sublime Muslim morals, and great material progress simultaneously.
We want to present this book `The Precious Pearls – the Description of the Ten Companions Who were Given the Gald Tidings of Paradise’ to our youth as a legacy hoping that they will continue on toward finding the higher and real values that Islam suggests to acquire. In it are the models to follow instead of mimicking inferior, fictitious and corrupt personalities presented to us by non-Muslims.
Abdul Malik Mujahid General Manager Darussalam
Preface The human soul strives to achieve happiness in all its endeavors. Strangely, many people during this pursuit find nothing but disaster and failure. This happens when one is outside of Islamic guidance, and especially happens to individuals who are only following after that proverbial rainbow where they think a barrel of treasure is the answer to their miseries. A great philosopher, named Aristotle, said that happiness is achieved through contemplation of the Divine (Allah) and by leading a disciplined life. What describes Islam better than saying that it is a `disciplined way of life?’
The Companions of Alldh’s Messenger were perfectly cognizant of this fact. Thus, they sought to please Alldh; and in doing so, they achieved not only happiness but material prosperity as well. The Islamic community is one where wealth is shared. Those who have most, share the most; and those in need are looked after. In pleasing Alldh, our scales of good deeds pile up and Paradise is our final reward. What better reward and place to work toward than Paradise?
Jihad can be an everyday event. The Companions were horsemen by day and spent their evenings in worship. They were people of prayer, fasting, charity, kindness and truthfulness. They were chaste, sincere and pious. They were people who knew self-control of mind, body and temper. They did not go about feeding their lusts. They went about instead feeding the hungry. All of these things are Jihad. When the call for Jihad (meaning war or struggle) was proclaimed, the Companions readily sacrificed everything: their wealth, their lives, and they left their families behind. The fear of death was not an issue, for they knew no better reason or way to die than in fighting to uphold Muslim’s rights or Islamic values. And this is the true meaning of the testimony: La ilaha illallah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah). In return for their loyalty to the cause, Allah bestowed on them true happiness and Paradise.
Paradise is the final abode of all pious and sincere believers. There were many Companions who were given the glad tidings of Paradise out of acknowledgement of their virtues and high status. As we follow this book, we will learn about them. And, in doing so, we will learn the way to Paradise.
Contents Publishers Note Preface Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (R) ‘Umar bin Khattab (R) ‘Uthman bin `Affan (R) ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (R) Talhah bin `Ubaidullah (R) Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam (R) Abdur-Rahman bin `Awf (R) Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas (R) Said bin Zaid (R) Abu `Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah (R)
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